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EGIPTUL ANTIC / Zeii / Zeii: litera B Moderat de ReLu, ankhem
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Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 695
Babi - "stapanul intunericului",demon ostil cekui mort, personificare a negurii si intunericului. (Baban)
Bastet - zeita protectoare a casei si pisicilor, reprezentata ca o pisica, mai rar ca o leoaica (Bast, Ubasti)
Beben - demon al intunericului, insotitor al lui Seth.
Bes - divinitate protectoare impotriva demonilor, precum si aducatoare de noroc, patron al somnului, aparator al mortilor, patron al toaletei femeilor. (Aha, Bisu, Ihty, Haty, Besou)
Bestet - spirit protector, sotie a lui Bes.
Buto - personificare a noptii, a intunericului si a haosului.

sa speri, sa crezi, sa te temi, sa astepti, vremea se aproprie.

pus acum 18 ani
Just a Lost Child

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 282
BA: Ram God of Fertility. Not to be confused with Ba, the Egyptian word for the soul. His particular stamping ground was Mendes, where women would invoke his name in hopes of conceiving a child.

BANEBDJETET: Ram-headed God of Arbitration. Was a kind of God-father figure to the young HORUS (HAR-PA-KHERED), interceding on his behalf when the HORUS vs SET battle got nasty. He asked the Gods to consult NEITH on the subject of who should have custody of the Egyptian throne, with HORUS coming out tops. Some sources claim he's actually the father of young HAR-PA-KHERED with his consort HATMEHIT. But the paperwork definitely says OSIRIS, and so far no-one has asked for a blood test.

BA-PEF: A God of Woe and Dread. His name means 'that soul', which seems to be a euphemism for something unmentionably nasty. According to the Pyramid Texts, he has a house 'wherein is woe', and doesn't seem to have had many callers. This could be a good sign to put on a door plaque to deter doorstep salesmen.

BABI: Underworld God in the shape of a bloodthirsty baboon. He symbolises male aggression and outrageous testosterone levels. You would not want a Babi doll. Particularly since he feeds on human entrails.

BASTET: BASTET is the bastardized name of BAST. It's all to do with hieroglyphic confusion and alphabetic pollution. As the Egyptian language changed, some letter-sounds were in danger of losing their pronounciation. So scribes fought a rear-guard action by nailing extra letters to the ends of words. Thus BAST became BASTET. But the 'et' at the end is, or should be, silent.

BAT: A Cow Goddess of Fertility. Could this batty cow indicate the onset of Mad Cow disease?

BENU: Sacred Sun Bird of the Nile. When the BENU bird flies, wealth could be in the offing. We're watching the skies and hoping.

BES: God of Domestic Protection. Appearances can be so deceptive. Although seen as a repulsive shabbily clad bandy-legged dwarf, BES is one of the best. He is into Home Protection, Children, Music and Mirth and can even come in amulet form as a talisman against evil spirits. Every home should have a BES to protect against misfortune. There's also a female version called BESET.

BESET: The Goddess of Domestic Protection and Home Security. She's the female equivalent of BES. Although, like BASTET, her very existence could just be another heiroglyphic spelling mistake…

***BOOK-OF-THE-DEAD: Egyptian bestseller. This is your Guide to the Afterlife and instruction book for Manifestation Day. As written by THOTH. It contains entries on over 500 Gods. You may need to take a course in hieroglyphics

BUTO: A Snake Goddess who has her own coiled snake trained to spit poison at whom she directs. Don't put your boots on until you have checked.

Modificat de rebeLLove (acum 18 ani)

"Credendo Vedi"

pus acum 18 ani

Din: braila
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 433
Ba - manifestarea unei puteri spiritual-sufletesti, care-si trage fortele de la zeul soarelui, "marele Ba". De pe urma lui traiesc toti oamenii si zeii fericiti. O parte a sufletului care se misca liber si aspira spre cer si a carui eficacitate se innoieste in fiecare noapte, cand zeul soarelui, ca Ba, se uneste cu cadavrul sau, respectiv cu Osiris(cesul al saselea din Amduat). In aceasta unire tainica sufletele Ba ale tuturor raposatilor invie. Din punct de vedere psihologic, Ba simbolizeaza o parte a sufletului care, spre deosebire de Ra, are de-a face mai putin cu realizarea prin priprii urmasi sau prin opere concrete, ci, mai degraba, cu dorul de spiritual-ceresc si de departari.

Lupta mereu pentru lumea ta de vise glorioase!

pus acum 18 ani
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