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 Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 35
HISTORY Archaeological evidence shows us that hunters lived in Egypt more than 250,000 years ago when the region was a green grassland. Around 25,000 BC, climate changes turned Egypt into a desert. The people survived by hunting and fishing and through agriculture.
In 3100 BC, King Menes joined the two parts of the land into one kingdom. The Dynasty that he founded, together with the one after it, are now called the "Archaic Period". Egypt soon evolved into a centralized and well organized kingdom. Egypt gained a growing influence in the ancient world and its power came to dominate the Near East for more than 500 years. The construction of the great pyramids of the 4th dynasty (about 2575 - 2465 BC) took place during this time. The new kingdom expanded rapidly and the country was quite stable internally. Ancient Egypt and its culture had a tremendous impact on what is now the Western World.
After the death of Tutankhamon the fourth, the Dynasty and the power of the king weakened. A period of decline followed and Egypt was invaded by the Assyrians and the Persians, and opened its borders to the Greeks for the first time. The arrival of Alexander the Great in 332 BC put an end to Ancient Egyptian history. For 250 years Egypt was ruled by Greeks; Alexandria, rather than Athens, became the center of learning and culture. The Greeks also introduced new agricultural techniques and restored older temples.
In 30 BC the Romans conquered Egypt. This led to an increase in prosperity in the beginning. But Rome did not give any local autonomy to Egypt and, in the long run, its rule was harmful to Egypt's interests.
During the reign of the Roman emperor Nero in the first century, Christianity was brought to Egypt and it spread throughout the country. The Arab conquest of Egypt that began in 639, however, put an end to the dominance of Christian religion. Arab newcomers and the conversion of people to Islam reduced the Christian population. Arabic also became the major language. Egypt then became part of the Muslim world and until the 19th century Egyptian history was linked to the general developments of Islam in the region.
The construction of the Suez Canal in the mid-19th century put Egypt into deep financial debt. In order to solve their financial problems, the Egyptian government had to give up control of the country to other powers, especially Great Britain. The British strengthened their control at the end of the 19th century. During World War I, Great Britain declared Egypt to be a British protectorate.
Egypt received its independence in 1923. This happened after adopting a constitution that made Egypt a kingdom under Fuad. A parliament also came into existence. During World War II, Egypt remained officially neutral. However, Egypt helped the British where possible and several battles were fought on Egyptian soil .
pus acum 18 ani |
 Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 35
CULTURE Egypt has been at the crossroads of different major civilizations. It is indeed one of the most interesting archeological sites of the world because of this.
The invention of writing was essential for the system of government that evolved in ancient Egypt and for the preservation of Egyptian culture. The two basic forms of writing, hieroglyphs, which were used for monuments, and the cursive form (known as hieratic), were invented at about the same time (around 3000 BC). Initially, writing was mainly used for administration, later it was used for gathering important traditional information medical texts.
Those who could read and write were called scribes, and they had an important role in ancient Egypt. Their knowledge of writing gave them power over those who could not read or write (the large majority). Ancient texts have been found that encouraged young people to learn to write. Works of literature, mathematical texts, astronomy, medicine, and magic, as well as different religious texts that were written on papyrus, have been preserved by the dry Egyptian climate. They provide us with a great amount of information about this ancient civilization.
The arts are as important in modern Egypt as they were in ancient times. Egypt has produced many great writers. Naguib Mahfouz is perhaps the most famous. Mahfouz has written some 40 novels and short story collections, as well as 30 screenplays and several plays. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1988 - the first Arab writer to receive this prize.
pus acum 18 ani |
 Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 695
in romana te rugam pe viitor
_______________________________________ sa speri, sa crezi, sa te temi, sa astepti, vremea se aproprie.
pus acum 18 ani |
 Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 35
sorry...o sa incerc....
pus acum 18 ani |
Din: Tg-Mures
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 346
ar fi frumos sa traduci din engleza in romana. de unde ai luat informatiile? sunt curios.
_______________________________________ "Vorbele tale sunt ca un bazait de musca in urechile mele."
pus acum 18 ani |
 Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 35
pei uite de pe aici: 
pus acum 18 ani |
 Din: Dej
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 44
Uite traducerea primei parti: Istoria Dovezile arheologice ne arata ca vanatorii au trait in Egipt cu mai mult de 250.000 de ani in urma, cand Egiptul era acoperit de iarba. In jurul anului 25.000 I.H., clima a schimbat Egiptul in desert.Oamenii au supravietuit prin practicarea vanatorii si a pescuitului si prin agricultura. In anul 3100 I.H., Regele Menes a unit ambele parti ale tinutului intr-un singur regat. Dinastia pe care a format-o, impreuna cu dinastia ce avea sa urmeze sunt numite "Perioada Arhaica". Egiptul a evoluat intr-un regat centralizat si bine organizat. Egiptul si-a castigat o influenta din ce in ce mai mare in lumea antica, iar puterea lui a dominat Estul apropiat timp de mai mult de 500 de ani. Constructia marilor piramide ale dinastiei a IV-a (~ intre anii 2575-2465 I.H.) necesitat mult spatiu. Noul regat s-a extins rapid, iar tara era stabila din punct de vedere intern. Egiptul antic si cultura lui au avut un impact puternic asupra ceea ce este numit astazi "Lumea Vestica". Dupa moartea lui Tutankhamon al IV-lea, dinastia si puterea regelui s-au slabit. A urmat o perioada de neprosperitate, iar Egiptul a fost invadat de catre Persi, si a stabilit o legatura cu grecii pentru prima oara. Sosirea lui Alexandru cel Mare in anul 332 I.H. a pus capat istoriei antice a Egiptului. Timp de 250 de ani, egiptul a fost condus de catre Greci. Alexandria( mai degraba decat Atena) a devenit centrul invatamantului si culturii. De asemenea grecii au introdus noi tehnici in agricultura si au renovat templele mai vechi. In anul 30 I.H. romanii au cucerit Egiptul. Aceasta a condus la o crestere a prosperitatii la inceput, dar Roma nu a dat nicio autonomie locala Egiptului, ceea ce a daunat intereselor Egiptului. In timpul imparatului roman Nero,crestinismul a fost adus in Egipt si imprastiat peste tot in tara. Cucerirea Egiptului de catre arabi, inceputa in anul 639, a pus capat religiei crestine. oamenii arabi nou-veniti si conversia egiptenilor la Islam a redus populatia crestina. De asemenea, limba araba a devenit majoritara. Egipt a devenit o parte a lumii musulmane, si pana in secolul al XIX-lea Istoria egipteana a fost legata de uriasa dezvoltare a Islamului in regiune. Constructia canalului Suez la mijlocul sec. al XIX-lea a adus Egiptului o mare datorie financiara. Pentru a-si rezolva problemele financiare guvernul egiptean a trebuit sa cedeze controlul statului altor puteri, in special Marii Britanii. Englezii si-au marit controlul asupra Egiptului la sfarsitul secolului al XIX-lea, in Primul Razboi Mondial declarandu-l un stat protejat de Marea Britanie. Egiptul si-a primit independenta in anul 1923, in urma adoptarii unei constitutii de catre Anglia. De asemenea s-a format si un parlament. In timpul celui de-al doilea Razboi Mondial Egiptul si-a declarat neutralitatea. Insa, Egiptul a ajutat Anglia in razboi, cateva lupte fiind duse pe pamant egiptean. E tradusa de catre mine asa ca va rog sa scuzati greselile de traducere

_______________________________________ Ce fac eu cu mouse-ul nu face nici Zorro cu sabia!
pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: Dej
Inregistrat: acum 17 ani
Postari: 2717
eu cred ca conteaza esentialu deci de acum cautati si texte in enlgeza, se gasesc mult mai bune informatii in engleza si il contactati pe vladtz, bv vlad tineo tot asa iti spun eu ca pentru treaba asta o sa fi rasplatit, de asta o sa ma asigur eu
_______________________________________ Distreaza-te tinere, cat tine tineretea Cum e cenusa-n gura, amara-i batranetea Trupul mumificat nu rade niciodata In intunericul mormantului, sub piatra
pus acum 16 ani |
 Din: Dej
Inregistrat: acum 16 ani
Postari: 44
multzumesc mult Relu 
_______________________________________ Ce fac eu cu mouse-ul nu face nici Zorro cu sabia!
pus acum 16 ani |